Expand description
This is a rust port of the LiquidCrystal library. LiquidCrystal is a standard C++ library that allows developers to control a HITACHI HD44780 LCD screen with one or two 16-character lines. Alternatives to this library (that I’ve investigated) are:
I decided to create a more comprehensive solution because existing libraries were either incomplete or somewhat complicated to use. This library uses traits from embedded-hal and should work with any hardware abstraction layer that uses the same types. Currently this crate has only been tested with avr-hal and all example code and comments assume you’re using avr-hal as well.
Most features (blink, cursor, text direction etc.) can be set either through a general set_
function that accepts
one or two arguments (like set_blink), through specific conveniance functions (blink_on rather
than set_blink) or with a builder function (like with_blink).
If some functions are missing for a settings, its either because it doesn’t make sense for that particular setting, or
because that feature can only be set before the build method is called (in which case only a with_
function is provided).
use ag_lcd::{Display, Blink, Cursor, LcdDisplay};
let peripherals = arduino_hal::Peripherals::take().unwrap();
let pins = arduino_hal::pins!(peripherals);
let delay = arduino_hal::Delay::new();
let rs = pins.d12.into_output().downgrade();
let rw = pins.d11.into_output().downgrade();
let en = pins.d10.into_output().downgrade();
// let d0 = pins.d9.into_output().downgrade();
// let d1 = pins.d8.into_output().downgrade();
// let d2 = pins.d7.into_output().downgrade();
// let d3 = pins.d6.into_output().downgrade();
let d4 = pins.d5.into_output().downgrade();
let d5 = pins.d4.into_output().downgrade();
let d6 = pins.d3.into_output().downgrade();
let d7 = pins.d2.into_output().downgrade();
let mut lcd: LcdDisplay<_,_> = LcdDisplay::new(rs, en, delay)
// .with_full_bus(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7)
.with_half_bus(d4, d5, d6, d7)
.with_rw(d10) // optional (set to GND if not provided)
lcd.print("Test message!");
- The LCD display
- Flag that sets the display to autoscroll
- Flag that sets backlight state
- Flag that sets cursor background to blink
- Flag that sets the cursor on/off
- Flag that sets the display on/off
- Error type for LcdDisplay, returned by LcdDisplay::error
- Flag that controls text direction
- Flag for the number of lines in the display
- Flag for the bus mode of the display
- Flag used to indicate direction for display scrolling
- Flag for the character size of the display